Yoga/Ballet Flow


Zoom code is 247-357-158 Sunday Ballet/Yoga Flow 11:00am-12:30pm Spend your Sunday morning with us! Set an intention for your week, warm your body up through gentle yoga poses. Flow through a ballet barre and center and end your experience in svasana. A perfect way to honor yourself!

Yoga/Ballet Flow


Zoom code is 247-357-158 Sunday Ballet/Yoga Flow 11:00am-12:30pm Spend your Sunday morning with us! Set an intention for your week, warm your body up through gentle yoga poses. Flow through a ballet barre and center and end your experience in svasana. A perfect way to honor yourself!

Yoga/Ballet Flow


Zoom code is 247-357-158 Sunday Ballet/Yoga Flow 11:00am-12:30pm Spend your Sunday morning with us! Set an intention for your week, warm your body up through gentle yoga poses. Flow through a ballet barre and center and end your experience in svasana. A perfect way to honor yourself!

Yoga/Ballet Flow


Zoom code is 247-357-158 Sunday Ballet/Yoga Flow 11:00am-12:30pm Spend your Sunday morning with us! Set an intention for your week, warm your body up through gentle yoga poses. Flow through a ballet barre and center and end your experience in svasana. A perfect way to honor yourself!